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Monday, 31 August 2015

Considering the use of ICTs in EFL classrooms

This study carried out by Marta Kopinska and David Lasagabaster in the University of the Basque Country, in Spain, deals with the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Second or Foreign Language Classrooms and gives us (future teachers) an idea of whether the use of ICTs is interesting for our students or not and what for or when do our students use ICTs. The link will take you to a YouTube video created by Kopinska and Lasagabaster on this (very) interesting and updated topic.
In this video we will learn about the attitudes that students have towards ICTs. In this case, Kopinska and Lasagabaster speak about students having a positive attitude; but it is important for us to use these resources in a meaningful way, as we are working in education. Not only should we use ICTs because they are more attractive, appealing or engaging for students, but because they are an incredible resource in which they can find lots and lots of information and web pages or programmes where they can practice the new language. Our learners have to understand that the use of ICTs in the classroom makes learning more interesting, but it does not mean that they will use them for fun. In a learning environment, rules must be set up when using ICTs, if not they may get things out of control, with students using them in inappropriate ways.

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